This the most recently renovated part of the Botanic Garden.
Arranged in the shape of the human body you will find about 230
medicinal plants, along with their names and information on some
chemical compounds and their pharmacological importance.
Situated between the System of Herbaceous Plants and the Useful
Plants; size about 3000 m².
On display are about 230 species, which can be grown outdoors in the
Berlin climate. The labels provide information on the plant parts
used, their activity or application, the active substances,
conservation aspects, and potential dangers or toxicity. The garden is
surrounded by woody plants with medical applications with the beds
inside laid out roughly in the form of a human body. Plants with
similar applications are grouped together and, where possible, placed
on the corresponding site of the human body. Plants with multiple
applications are shown several times. Applications are from scientific
medicine (with proven activity and harmlessness) or from traditional
popular medicine. Map and
information leaflet at the entrance of the area;
information shields (in
German) at the beds. For more imformation see the German
version. For further
reading: Beurton, Ch., in „Der Palmengarten“ Bd. 62,
Heft 2: 129-135 (1998) (in German);S. von Krüdener, I. Hagemann &
B. Zepernick, Arzneipflanzen - altbekannt und neu entdeckt (in
German); Garden Guide “The Berlin-Dahlem Botanic Garden“.
[Text Ch. Beurton, photo I. Haas]
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