
Pictures of

List of genera

by H. Sipman
last updated:
1 February 2007, partially 13 January 2009; updated and extended Dec. 2013
Lichens of Greece (with keys!)
other Zschackia issues

Species of Protoparmelia in the Aegean:



Protoparmelia atriseda (Fr.) R. Sant. & V. Wirth -
[Protoparmelia atriseda] [Protoparmelia atriseda]
Thasos (Sipman & Raus 58724); click for enlargement. Thasos (Sipman & Raus 58724); click for enlargement.

Protoparmelia badia (Hoffm.) Hafellner -
[Protoparmelia badia]
Samothraki (Sipman & Raus 59647); click for enlargement.

Protoparmelia montagnei (Fr.) Poelt & Nimis - Syn. Protoparmelia psarophana (Nyl.) Sancho & A.Crespo
[Protoparmelia montagnei] [Protoparmelia montagnei]
(Sipman 53765); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement. (Sipman 53856); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement.
[Protoparmelia montagnei] [Protoparmelia montagnei]
(Sipman 54110); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement. (Sipman 54115); picture length = 7 mm.
[Protoparmelia montagnei] [Protoparmelia montagnei]
(Sipman 54208); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement. (Sipman 54386a); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement.

Protoparmelia montagnei (Nyl.) Sancho & A.Crespo, chemotype - Med. C+ red; with gyrophoric acid. Syn. Protoparmelia psarophana var. reagens (ServĂ­t) Sipman
[Protoparmelia montagnei, chemotype] [Protoparmelia montagnei, chemotype]
(Sipman 53968), thallus margin; picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement. (Sipman 53968); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement.
[Protoparmelia montagnei, chemotype]
(Sipman 54386); picture length = 7 mm; click for enlargement .
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