Dr. Guilhem MANSION
Dr. Guilhem MANSION
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, D-14195 Berlin
Phone: (+4930) 838 50121 / Fax: (+4930) 838 50218
Email: g.mansion@bgbm.org.
- Scientific Curator (Mattfeld-Quadbeck Foundation)
- Research Assistant, BGBM (Campanula Project, T. Borsch and T. Raus)
Born on May 3rd 1968, Nîmes, France; divorced, two children (Anaïs and Amélie)
- 1986-1993 – PhD in Pharmacy (University of Montpellier, France); Specialization in Phytochemistry and Mycology
- 1993-1995 – Diploma Thesis in Biology (University of Paris 11, France)
- 1997-2001 – PhD in Biology (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland): Performed a systematic and biogeographic survey on a temperate group of plants (Chironiinae-Gentianaceae).
- 2001-2004 – Postdoctoral Researcher (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland): Surveyed the evolutionary significance of polyploidy and hybridization in an annual group of plants (Centaurium – Gentianaceae).
- 2004 – Scientific member of the IntraBioDiv® Project (http://intrabiodiv.vitamib.com): Organized the field-sampling strategy among 12 European institutions; Plant sampling coordination all over the Alps and Carpathians and edition of distribution maps for 30 selected taxa.
- 2005-2009 – Postdoctorate Researcher (University of Zürich, Switzerland): Performed an integrative survey on different Mediterranean groups of plants (Araceae and Boraginaceae); Co-organized an international congress on the evolution of biota in the Mediterranean climate zones (07/2007).
Research Interests:
The main goals of my research in Botany aim at investigating whether certain types of speciation (e.g. instantaneous vs. gradual) are correlated with specific abiotic constraints (e.g. horizontal vs. vertical tectonic movements, climate change, and environmental disturbances). More specifically, I would like to identify the evolutionary processes that have shaped particular floras (especially mediterranean ones), understand how these processes responded to the paleogeographic and paleoclimatic history of the investigated region, and evaluate their impact at different taxonomic level. My current research topics include:
- Historical biogeography of the Campanulaceae-Campanuloideae – More details soon;
- Evolutionary patterns within selected Campanula clades – More details soon;
- Systematic consequences of the polyphyly of Campanula – More details soon;
- Disjunct patterns within and between mediterranean regions – More details soon.