Dr. Guilhem MANSION
Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin
Königin-Luise-Straße 6-8, D-14195 Berlin
Phone: (+4930) 838 50121 / Fax: (+4930) 838 50218
Email: g.mansion@bgbm.org.
Selected Papers, Presentations, and Posters
1. Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Guggisberg, A., Mansion, G., and Conti, E. 2009. Disentangling reticulate evolution in the Aleuritia-polyploid complex (Primula L.). SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY 58: 55-73.
- Mansion, G., Selvi, F., Guggisberg, A., and Conti, E. 2009. Origin of Mediterranean endemics in the Boraginales: Integrative evidence from molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY 36: 1282-1296.
- Alvarez, N., Thiel-Egenter, C., Tribsch, A., Manel, S., Taberlet, P., Küpfer, P., Holderegger, R., Brodbeck, S., Gaudeul, M., Gielly, L., Mansion, G., Negrini, R., Paun, O., Pellecchia, M., Rioux, D., Schönswetter, P., Schüpfer, F., VanLoo, M., Winkler, M., Gugerli, F., Intrabiodiv Consortium. 2009. Biogeographic history of alpine plants: substrate ecology drives genetic structures. ECOLOGY LETTERS 12: 632-640.
- Kissling, J., Küpfer, P., Yuan, YM., and Mansion, G. 2009. The polyphyletic genus Sebaea (Gentianaceae): New insights on the morphological and karyological evolution of the tribe Exaceae. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 53: 734-748.
- Kissling, J., Buerkli, S., and Mansion, G. 2009. Klackenbergia (Gentianaceae - Exaceae): a new endemic genus to Madagascar. TAXON 58: 907-912.
- Gugerli, F., T. Englisch, H. Niklfeld, A. Tribsch, Z. Mirek, M. Ronikier, N. E. Zimmermann, R. Holderegger, P. Taberlet, and IntraBioDiv Consortium (*). 2008. Relationships among levels of biodiversity and the relevance of intraspecific diversity in conservation - a project synopsis. PERSPECTIVES IN PLANT ECOLOGY EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS 10:259-281.
- Aebi, A., Shani, T., Hansson, C., Contreras-Garduno, J., Mansion, G., Benrey, B. 2008. The potential of native parasitoids for the control of Mexican bean beetles: A genetic and ecological approach. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 47: 289-297.
- Kissling, J., Zeltner, L., Küpfer, P., and Mansion, G. 2008. New chromosomes numbers and their evolution in the tribe Exaceae (Gentianaceae). BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY 158: 556-566.
- Paun, O., Schonswetter, P., Winkler, M., Tribsch, A., and IntraBioDiv Consortium (*) 2008. Historical divergence vs. contemporary gene flow: evolutionary history of the calcicole Ranunculus alpestris group (Ranunculaceae) in the European Alps and the Carpathians. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 17: 4263-4275.
- Mansion, G., Rosenbaum, G., Schoenenberger, N., Bacchetta, L., Rossello, J., and Conti, E. 2008. Phylogenetic analysis informed by geological history supports multiple, sequential invasions of the Mediterranean basin by the angiosperm family Araceae. SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY 57: 269-285.
- Zeltner, L. and Mansion G. 2007. Centaurium Hill FLORE DE FRANCE, SOCIETE BOTANIQUE DE FRANCE (BOOK CHAPTER)
- Mraz, P., Gaudeul, M., Gielly, L., Choler, P., Taberlet, P., IntraBioDiv Consortium (*) 2007. Constrasting phylogeographic pattern of subalpine species Hypochaeris uniflora (Asteraceae) : vicariance of the Carpathians populations and rapid post-glacial colonization of the Alps from the Eastern Alps refugium. JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY 34: 2100-2114.
- Ehrich, D., Gaudeul, M., Assefa, A., Koch, M.A., Mummenhoff, K., Nemomissa, S., IntraBioDiv Consortium (*), Brochmann, C. 2007. Genetic consequences of Pleistocene range shifts: contrast between the Arctic, the Alps and the East African mountains. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 16: 2542-2559.
- Manel, S., Berthoud, F., Bellemain, E., Gaudeul, M., Luikart, G., Swenson, J.E., Waits L.P., Taberlet, P., IntraBioDiv Consortium (*) 2007. A new individual-based spatial approach for identifying genetic discontinuities in natural populations. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 16: 2031-2043.
- Guggisberg, A., Mansion, G., Kelso, S., and Conti, E. 2006. Evolution of biogeographic patterns, ploidy levels, and breeding systems in a diploid-polyploid species complex of Primula. NEW PHYTOLOGIST 171: 617-632.
- Guggisberg, A., Bretagnolle, F, and Mansion, G. 2006. Allotetraploid origin of an endemic species of Majorca (Centaurium bianoris - Gentianaceae) inferred with molecular markers SYSTEMATIC BOTANY 31(2): 368-379.
- Mansion, G., Zeltner, L., and Bretagnolle, F. 2005. Phylogenetic patterns and polyploid evolution within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae - Chironieae). TAXON 54: 931-950.
- Mansion, G., and Zeltner, L. 2004. Chromosome evolution, phylogeny and biogeography of the New World genus Zeltnera (Gentianaceae). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 91: 2069-2086.
- Mansion, G., and Struwe, L. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the subtribe Chironiinae. Evidences for a polyphyletic genus Centaurium Hill (Gentianaceae). MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 32: 951-957.
- Mansion, G. 2004. A new classification of the polyphyletic genus Centaurium Hill (Chironiinae - Gentianaceae): description of the New-World endemic Zeltnera, and reinstatement of Gyrandra Griseb., and Schenkia Griseb. TAXON 53: 719-740.
- Zeltner, L and Mansion, G. 2003. Contribution a l'étude cytogéographique de la sous tribu Chironiinae (Gentianaceae) au Chili. JOURNAL DE BOTANIQUE DE LA SOCIETE BOTANIQUE DE FRANCE 24: 55-65.
- Yuan, Y.-M, Wohlhauser, S., Möller, M., Chassot, P., Mansion, G., Grant, J. R., Küpfer, P., and Klackenberg, J. 2003. Monophyly and relationships of the tribe Exaceae (Gentianaceae) inferred from nuclear markers. MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION 28: 500-517.
- Yockteng, R., Ballard, H. E., Mansion, G., Dajoz, I., and Nadot, S. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships among pansies (Viola section Melanium) investigated using ITS and ISSR markers. PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION 241: 153-170.
- Mansion, G., Blaise, S., Briane, J. P., Lacoste A. 1997. Effect of the environment on the production of condensed tannins in Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr (Fabaceae). ACTA BOTANICA GALLICA 144: 443-448.
(*) as a scientific member of the IntraBioDiv Consortium
2. Doctoral and Master Theses
- Mansion G. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships within the subtribe Chironiinae (Gentianaceae), with a particular focus on the evolutionary trends and biogeographic patterns of the genus Centaurium Hill s. l. PhD Dissertation, University of Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Botany).
- Mansion G. 1995. Effect of the environment on the production of condensed tanins in Lotus uliginous (Fabaceae). Diploma thesis (DEA), University of Paris XI, Orsay, France (Botany).
- Mansion G. 1993. Etude botanique des genres Gentiana et Gentianella en France. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Montpellier 1, France (Pharmacy).
3. Large Audience Papers
Most of these articles are published in the “Cercle Européen d’Etude des Gentianacées” (CEEG), a magazine entirely dedicated to the Gentian family. I am part of the editorial board and co-editor of this journal since 1995.
- Mansion, G. 2008. Les gentianes méditerranéennes. CEEG 24: 16-18.
- Mansion, G. 2007. Gentianes et caricature. CEEG 23: 9-10.
- Jollès, C. and Mansion, G. 2007. Les gentianes médicinales de Chine. CEEG 23: 4-6.
- Mansion, G. 2006. Des Gentianacées un peu timbrées! CEEG 22: 12-13.
- Mansion, G. 2005. Le bapteme des gentianes. CEEG 21: 14-15.
- Mansion, G. 2004. Ecologie des gentianes francaises. CEEG 20: 8-10.
- Mansion, G. 2003. Monodiella flexuosa ou le vestige de "la fugace verdure qui suit l'imprévisible averse". CEEG 19: 15-16.
- Mansion, G. 2002. Division au sein des petites centaurées (Centaurium sensu lato). CEEG 18: 15-18.
- Mansion, G. 2000. Gentianes rares et menacées en Suisse et en France. CEEG 16: 14-16.
- Mansion, G. 2000. Interview avec les petites centaurées (Centaurium Hill, Gentianaceae). CEEG 15: 14-16.
- Mansion, G. 1999. Les gentianes saprophytes. CEEG 14: 16-17.
- Mansion, G. 1998. Les Gentianacées, une famille nombreuse. CEEG 13: 8-15.
- Mansion, G., Rodriguez, S., Hostettmann, K., and Küpfer, P. 1998. Systématique moléculaire vs. Systématique classique : Apport de la phytochimie pour les cas de Gentiana asclepiadea et Gentiana froelichii. CEEG 12: 10-11.
- Mansion, G. 1997. La gentiane en Médecine et en Pharmacie. CEEG 10: 12-16.
- Mansion, G. 1996. Gentiana clusii Perr. & Song. CEEG 9: 12-15.
- Mansion, G. 1995. Homéopathie : les gentianes en tube. CEEG 7: 4-6.
- Mansion, G. 1995. Gentianes et phylatélie. CEEG 6: 10-11.
- Mansion, G. 1994. Les gentianes francaises : une diversité insoupconnée. REVUE HORTICOLE SUISSE 70: 2-3.
4. Presentation and Invited Lectures
- Mansion, G. 2009. Natural history of « lords and ladies » (Arum - Araceae). BNF Symposium, University of Bern, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G. 2008. Origin of some insular endemics of the angiosperm families Araceae and Boraginaceae in the Mediterranean realm. Invited lecture, University of Geneva, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G. 2008. Biogeographic patterns in the Mediterranean realm: two case studies (Araceae and Boraginaceae. Invited lecture, University of Dijon, France.
- Mansion, G., Guggisberg, A., Selvi, F., Conti, E. 2008. Origin of Mediterranean insular endemics in the Boraginaceae: integrative evidence from molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction. Biology 08, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., 2007. Biogeographic patterns in the Mediterranean regions. Invited lecture, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., Ree, R., Conti, E. 2006. Biogeographic history of the Araceae in the Mediterranean region, with emphasis on the origin of Corso-Sardinian endemics. Evolution 2006, Stony Brooks University, NY, USA.
- Mansion, G., Guggisberg, A., Bretagnolle, F. 2005. Reticulate evolution within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae): a case study in Majorca (Spain). IBC Vienna 2005, Vienna, Austria. (Symposium co-organizer)
- Mansion, G., Zeltner, L., Bretagnolle, F. 2004. Polyploid evolution and biogeographic patterns within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae), Invited lecture, IXth IOPB Meeting 2004, Valencia, Spain.
- Mansion, G. 2003. Evolutionary trends and biogeography of the Chironiinae (Gentianaceae). Invited lecture, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G. 2002. Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of genus Centaurium s. l. (Gentianaceae - Chironiinae): intergeneric relationships and systematic consequences. Biology 02, Bern, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., Zeltner, L. 2002. Chromosomal evolution and biogeographic patterns within the genus Centaurium Hill. Ecological Genetics Group Meeting 2002, Newcastle, UK.
- Mansion, G. 2000. Phylogenetic position of the North and Central American species of Centaurium (Gentianaceae) based on molecular data and chromosome numbers; evidence of an old-world origin. Botany 2000, Portland, ORE, USA.
- Ca. 20 lectures for a large or specialized audience, covering several areas of knowledge: Botany (Alpine and Mediterranean plants, Gentians, Medicinal plants), Mycology or Toxicology
5. Selected Posters and Abstracts
- Guggisberg, A., Mansion, G., Baroux, C., Kelso, S., Grossniklaus, U., Conti, E. 2008. When does hybridisation lead to the formation of new species? Answers and perspectives from Primula sect. Aleuritia. Biology 08, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., Selvi, F., Guggisberg, A., Conti, E. 2008. Origin of Mediterranean insular endemics in the Boraginaceae: integrative evidence from molecular dating and ancestral area reconstruction. NCCR Plant Survival International Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., Rosenbaum, G., Schoenenbeger, N., Baccheta, J.L., Rossello, L., and Conti, E. 2007. Invasion of the Mediterranean Basin by the Araceae: Integrative phylogeny-based evidence. Origin and Evolution of Biota in Mediterranean Climate Zones: an Integrative Vision, Zurich, Switzerland: 28.
- Mansion, G., and Guggisberg, A. 2007. Evidence of intensive hybridization within the Mediterranean genus Centaurium (Gentianaceae). Origin and Evolution of Biota in Mediterranean Climate Zones: an Integrative Vision, Zurich, Switzerland: 27.
- Guggisberg, A., Mansion, G., and Conti, E. 2007. Disentangling reticulate evolution: examples from Primula. Origin and Evolution of Biota in Mediterranean Climate Zones: an Integrative Vision, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Mansion, G., Schoenenbeger, N., Baccheta, J.L., Rossello, L., and Conti, E. 2007. Evidence for multiple invasions of several genera of Araceae on western Mediterranean Islands. Third IBS Conference, Tenerife, Spain: 70.
- Mansion, G., and Kissling, J. 2006. The polyphyletic genus Sebaea (Gentianaceae): new insights in the biogeography of the primarily South African tribe Exaceae. Botany 2006, Chico, USA: 288.
- Guggisberg, A., Mansion, G., Kelso, S., and Conti, E. 2006. Evolution of biogeographic patterns, polyploidy, and breeding systems in a diploid-polyploid species complex of Primula. Botany 2006, Chico, USA: 320.
- Mansion, G., Ree, R., and Conti, E. 2006. Biogeographic history of the Araceae in the Mediterranean region, with emphasis on the origin of Corso-Sardinian endemics. Evolution 2006, Stony Brooks, USA: 88.
- Mansion, G., and Mathews, K. 2006. Evolutionary history of the North American endemic Sabatia Adans. (Gentianaceae): current knowledge and future directions. Evolution 2006, Stony Brooks, USA: 107.
- Guggisberg, A., Bretagnolle, F., and Mansion, G. 2006. Allopolyploid origin of an endemic species to Majorca (Centaurium bianoris, Gentianaceae) inferred with molecular markers. Evolution 2006, Stony Brooks, USA: 104.
- Mansion, G., Zeltner., L. 2005. Phylogenetic relationships within the New World endemic Zeltnera (Gentianaceae – Chironiinae) inferred from molecular and karyological data. XVII IBC, Vienna, Austria: 183.
- Mansion, G., Zeltner, L., and Bretagnolle, F. 2003. Biogeographic patterns and evolutionary trends within the genus Centaurium Hill (Gentianaceae). International Polyploidy Conference, London, UK: 26.
- Mansion, G., Rodriguez, S., Hostettmann, K, Küpfer, P. 1997. Systématique moléculaire vs. Systématique classique : le cas des Gentiana Asclepiadea et Gentiana froelichii. Apport de la phytochimie. Actes